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Quality Housing Partnering Symposium 2000
Introduction Programme
'Enhancing Construction Quality for Pubilc Housing through Strategic Partnering'      INTRODUCTION
Background of the Symposium

To address the increasing community concern on building quality of public housing, Members of the Hong Kong Housing Authority have endorsed the publication of a public consultation document entitled "Quality Housing : Partnering for Change" vide Paper No. HA 8/2000 at the meeting on 27 January 2000. The document has mapped out the vision and strategies of the HKHA in uplifting its building quality. There are altogether 40 main recommendations in the consultative document, grouped under a 4 "P" strategy -
1. Partnering : Building up a partnering framework amongst all stakeholders
2. Product quality : Assuring product quality
3. Professionalism : Investing in a professional workforce
4. Productivity : Striving for productivity and efficiency

These recommendations also aim to address immediate public concerns about piling works and the production peak.

In line with the above, the Hong Kong Housing Authority has organised the Quality Housing : Partnering Symposium under the theme of 'Enhancing Construction Quality for Public Housing Through Strategic Partnering'

Objectives of the Symposium

To bring together practitioners, professionals and line managers from both the business partners of the Hong Kong Housing Authority and within HKHA to review the existing operation/management systems, to explore new ideas, to evaluate their applicability in the housing context and to promote a partnering culture with each other.
Eight brainstorming sessions are programmed on the basis of four parallel sessions on each day of the function for participants from a wide spectrum of stakeholders. The topics of the brainstorming sessions are focused on :
1. Design
To discuss the planning and design visions in the light of the migration from mass standardization to mass customization under the site specific design approach.
2. Construction Technology
To discuss ways to promote the use of innovative technology for housing development.
3. Site Safety
To acquire feedback on the effectiveness of existing site safety practices and gathers innovative thoughts for improvement in the context of Housing Authority projects.
4. Building Control
To discuss the technical, resources, programming and staff concerns due to introducing internal vetting mechanism to parallel Buildings Department's practices in the interim and, in the longer term, bringing the Housing Authority's construction projects under the ambit of the Buildings Ordinance.
5. Project Management
To explore ways for enhancing project management function for HA's development.
6. Procurement
To discuss partnering attributes and new incentives which can foster mutual benefits and continuous improvement in the housing delivery process.
7. Integrity
To discuss means and ways to uphold ethical standard in the industry while preserving a culture of mutual trust and support for the delivery of a quality product
8. Quality Workforce
To discuss systems and measures to uphold and maintain the skill and competency level of the local construction workforce.

2001 Housing Authority. All rights reserved.