Page 21 - 香港房屋委員會年報 Hong Kong Housing Authority Annual Report
P. 21

                                                                            Working in Concert to Fight the Virus  19

            政府2020年8月和9月推出一次性普及社區檢測計劃,                         In August and September 2020, the Government
            為市民提供免費的2019冠狀病毒病檢測。2021年2月                        rolled out its One-off Universal Community Testing
            底起,政府展開社區疫苗接種計劃,為全港市民免費                            Programme, offering free COVID-19 tests for the
            接種2019冠狀病毒病疫苗。我們明白一些公屋長者租                          community. From late February 2021, it also began
            戶在處理網上預約手續時或遇困難,因此各屋邨辦事                            the Community Vaccination Programme, offering free
            處職員為有需要的長者居民和住戶提供協助。2020年                          vaccinations against COVID-19 for all. Realising that
            政府向所有市民免費派發銅芯抗疫口罩+ ;在協助                            some of our elderly PRH tenants might have difficulty
            派發工作方面,我們在全港公共屋邨的繳費處設立約                            in managing the necessary online booking process, our
            190個口罩領取點。口罩派發工作分為兩個階段(第一                          staff of estate management office offered assistance to
            階段為6月/7月,第二階段為10月),我們協助向屋邨                         elderly residents and households needing assistance.
            居民派發約53 500個銅芯抗疫口罩+ 。                              Another Government initiative in 2020 was the
                                                               distribution of free CuMasks+  to all Hong Kong citizens.
            政府宣布在全港推行「2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃」                         To help with the distribution, we set up around 190 mask
            後,2021年3月至5月初期間,房委會調派約140名員工                       collection points in shroff offices at PRH estates across
            在社區疫苗接種中心執行多項行政職務,包括監察                             Hong Kong. In the two phases of the distribution (the
            整體流程安排、聯絡醫療團隊和場地管理人員、統籌                            first in June/July and the second in October), we helped
            物資管理、確保有足夠的個人防護裝備可供分發等,                            distributed around 53 500 CuMasks+  to our residents.
            為旅遊業從業員提供指導,使相關中心的交接工作得                            Following the Government’s announcement of the
            以順利完成。                                             implementation of a territory-wide COVID-19 Vaccination
                                                               Programme, the HA deployed around 140 staff to
                                                               perform administrative duties at Community Vaccination
                                                               Centres to ensure their efficient operation from March to
                                                               early May 2021. Their work included supervision of overall
                                                               logistics arrangements, liaison with healthcare teams and
                                                               venue management, coordination of inventory controls,
                                                               ensuring the allocation of sufficient personal protective
                                                               equipment, etc. In May 2021, HA’s administrative staff
                                                               provided mentoring for smooth handover of the duties to
                                                               staff of the travel industry.

                 房委會員工在社區疫苗接種中心提供支援                            Support for cleansing and
                 HA staff render support at a community vaccination
                 centre                                        security workers

                                                               The HA’s support of the Government’s anti-epidemic
            支援清潔和保安員工                                          initiatives was not restricted to its domestic tenants. We
                                                               helped distribute a monthly allowance to our service
            房委會支持政府的抗疫工作,對象並不限於其住宅                             contractors  under  the  Government’s  “Anti-epidemic
            租戶。政府在「防疫抗疫基金」下設立「物業管理業界                           Support Scheme for Property Management Sector”
            抗疫支援計劃」,為物業管理業界提供支援,並對前線                           created under the Anti-epidemic Fund, which supported
            清潔和保安員工的服務予以肯定;我們協助向轄下                             the property management sector and gave recognition
            服務承辦商發放該計劃的每月津貼。                                   to the efforts of frontline cleansing and security workers.
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