Page 6 - 香港房屋委员会年报 Hong Kong Housing Authority Annual Report
P. 6


                   The Hong Kong Housing Authority

             香港房屋委員會(房委會)是於1973年4月根據《房屋                         The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) is a statutory body
             條例》成立的法定機構,負責制定和推行公營房屋                             established in April 1973 under the Housing Ordinance.
             計劃,以期達至政府的政策目標,為不能負擔私人                             It develops and implements a public housing programme
             樓宇的低收入家庭解決住屋需要。                                    which seeks to achieve the Government’s policy objective
                                                                of meeting the housing needs of low-income families that
             房委會負責規劃、興建、管理和維修保養各類公共                             cannot afford private accommodation.
             心;另負責興建和推售居者有其屋計劃單位和綠表                             The HA plans, builds, manages and maintains different
             置居計劃單位;又推行白表居屋第二市場計劃。此                             types of public housing, including rental housing, interim
             外,房委會擁有和經營一些分層工廠大廈、附屬商                             housing and transit centres.  We also build and arrange
             業設施和其他非住宅設施。                                       sale of Home Ownership Scheme flats and Green Form
                                                                Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme flats, and carry out
             房委會成員包括4名官方委員及25名非官方委員,                            the White Form Secondary Market Scheme. In addition,
             全部由行政長官委任。運輸及房屋局局長獲委任為                             we own and operate a number of flatted factories and
             房委會主席,房委會副主席則由房屋署署長擔任。                             ancillary commercial and other non-domestic facilities.

             房委會轄下設有六個常務小組委員會,並按需要                              The  HA  has  4  official  members  and  25  non-official
             設立附屬小組委員會和專責小組委員會,負責制定                             members, who are appointed by the Chief Executive.
             和實施不同範疇的政策,並監督推行情況。房屋署                             The Secretary for Transport and Housing was appointed
             是房委會的執行機構。運輸及房屋局常任秘書長                              Chairman of the HA. The Director of Housing serves as
               (房屋)同時兼任房屋署署長一職。                                 the Vice-Chairman.

                                                                Six standing committees have been formed under the HA
                                                                to formulate, administer and oversee policies in specified
                                                                areas. Sub-Committees and ad hoc committees are also
                                                                formed on a need basis. The Housing Department acts as
                                                                the HA’s executive arm and is headed by the Permanent
                                                                Secretary for Transport and Housing (Housing), who also
                                                                assumes the office of the Director of Housing.
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