Initiatives in Existing Housing Estates
Initiatives in Existing Housing Estates
Energy Conservation and Carbon Management
We continued to maintain the ISO 14001 certification for Environmental Management System for all public rental housing (PRH) estates. An internal audit was completed in the first quarter of 2021 whereas the external Surveillance Audit for PRH estates was carried out in May 2021.
We also continued to maintain ISO 50001 certification for Energy Management System (EnMS) in the communal areas of all PRH domestic blocks. Moreover, we continued carbon emission monitoring and efficiency review through our Carbon Audit exercise in 14 typical domestic block types. With effective implementation of the EnMS, existing estates' communal electricity consumption has remained at 50.3 kWh per flat per month.
Electricity Consumption in the Public Areas of Estates
Carbon Footprint of 14 Typical Housing Blocks
Decreased by 20% against 2011/12 on average
The HA is studying the feasibility of installing solar PV systems on the rooftops of residential buildings in existing PRH estates. A pilot project on grid-connected PV system in a domestic block in Lee On Estate was put into operation in June 2020, in conjunction with the re-roofing works. We will continue to explore different types of solar PV panels for application in existing PRH estates.
The HA installed standard and medium Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers at private car parking spaces in our existing carparks subject to demand and technical feasibility. Besides, we provide EV charging facilities in the carparks of new public housing developments in accordance with the latest planning guidelines. As of the end March 2021, we provided EV charging facilities at about 400 hourly private car parking spaces and about 1,000 monthly private car parking spaces in HA’s carparks.
Waste Management
The HA has been working closely with the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) in launching waste reduction programmes. Starting from February 2021, the HA and the EPD launched a one-year pilot scheme under which reverse vending machines (RVM) for recycling plastic beverage bottles have been placed in three PRH estates. The pilot scheme has been positively received by residents, and we are now selecting other suitable PRH estates for inclusion in a second and larger-scale pilot scheme.
To prepare for the upcoming Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) charging scheme, we also collaborated with EPD to promote waste reduction and clean recycling in 40 PRH estates ahead of the Phase 2 MSW charging trial. Promotional posters, banners and easy racks were displayed, and online competitions and mini-games were set up.
Member of the public using the RVM installed at Lei Muk Shue Estate to return plastic beverage bottles for recycling.
Promotional posters were displayed at notice board of green station in Wan Tsui Estate.
In 2018, in collaboration with EPD and the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) a pilot scheme has been launched to collect source-separated food waste from nine HA wet markets and shopping centres. Since July 2020, nine more HA wet markets and shopping centres have joined the Phase 2 pilot programme.
To promote waste separation at source and environmental management initiatives, HA collected various recyclable materials in all PRH estates:
tonnes of paper recycled
tonnes of aluminium cans recycled
tonnes of plastic bottles recycled
tonnes of used clothes recycled
tonnes of glass bottles recycled
tonnes (38,100 boxes) of mooncake boxes recycled
potted citrus plants recovered for replanting after
Lunar New Year
kg/person/day average domestic waste production
Water Conservation
The HA values water conservation. We launched several water conserving initiatives in our commercial properties. For example, we installed Reclaim Water Harvesting System to filter and reuse condensate water for irrigating landscape.
Greening and Tree Management
This year, we enhanced the existing greenery at 20 PRH estates by introducing new varieties of plants to match the local landscape and condition. We also organised greening activities for residents at 20 estates to promote community participation in the greening of PRH estates.
Landscape Improvement Programme
^ Before
Aging plants removed and greenery revitalised for residents’ enjoyment in Tin Chak Estate
> After
^ Before
Provision of access and replanting to improve erosion and avoid jay walking in Tin Yan Estate
> After
Community Participation Programme
Strengthening Tree Management
The HA has been using a centralised electronic tree database with Geographic Information System (GIS) to maintain the latest tree data. A computerised Enterprise Tree Management System operated in a web-based platform and mobile device application has also been in place since 2016 to keep tree inventory and conduct tree risk assessment. This year, in addition to our regular tree inspection work, we had recruited some 690 Estate Tree Ambassadors from tenants to help monitor trees and organised tree planting days in 10 PRH estates.
Asbestos Abatement
We continue to alert the public and tenants of asbestos in some of our old estates by distributing pamphlets, updating the Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) record in the HA/HD website and labelling on all ACM. To ensure proper monitoring, half-yearly common area and annual in-flat inspections are conducted by a Registered Asbestos Consultant.
Organising Green Activities
To promote greening in PRH estates, we organised tree planting days in 10 estates and community garden programmes in 10 estates. Green publicity and public education are also delivered to residents through various channels, such as Facebook, Housing Channel, display of posters and banners.