Environmental Management Structure
The Housing Department Environmental, Health and Safety Committee (HDEHSC) is tasked with the development and formulation of policy direction on environmental, health, safety and sustainability aspects within the HD. The Housing Department Environmental Sub-Committee (HDESC) is to oversee the progress and performance of environmental initiatives and action plans, with support from the Environmental Management Unit.

Management Approaches and Policies
To govern our operations with clear direction on sustainability commitment and approaches, we have formulated the Environmental Policy, Environmentally Responsible Procurement Policy, and Energy Policies, and adopted a series of environmental principles, which have been communicated to and are supported by our stakeholders, including our staff, service providers, material suppliers and contractors. For the full version of these Policies, please refer to our HA/HD website.
Environmental Policy
Environmentally Responsible Procurement Policy
Energy Policy of Development and Construction Division
Energy Policy of Estate Management Division
Certified Standard
In addition to formulating and implementing the policies at the departmental/divisional level, individual divisions and units have obtained various certifications on management systems to align with international practices. For the list of certified standard, please refer to HA/HD website.
Environmental Targets
In 2020/21, we have set 40 environmental targets to promote sustainable development. These environmental targets cover six aspects, including energy efficiency, water conservation, greening, waste management, control of hazardous materials, as well as enhancement of environmental awareness and participation in environmental protection initiatives. For details, please refer to the chapter "Targets and Outlook".