Page 12 - 香港房屋委員會年報 Hong Kong Housing Authority Annual Report
P. 12


                                     主席的話   Chairman’s Message

                                                               We  adopt  the  theme  “Fight the Virus,  Live in
                                                               Harmony” for this year’s Annual Report of the Hong
                                                               Kong Housing  Authority (HA) to showcase the HA’s
                                                               efforts in  anti-epidemic  work and  providing  a  healthy
                                                               and  safe  living  environment  for  public  rental  housing
                                                               (PRH) residents.

                                                               Given the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, 2020/21
                                                               was no longer the same for Hong Kong and other places.
                                                               It was indeed  an extraordinary (and special)  year  for
                                                               the work of the HA. It is unprecedented for a newly
                                                               completed  public  housing estate  – Chun Yeung  Estate
                                                               in Fo Tan – to be used as a temporary quarantine centre
                                                               from February to September 2020. In the past year, the
                                                               Government  issued Compulsory  Testing  Notices  and
            香港房屋委員會(房委會)今年年報以「齊心抗疫                             Restriction-testing Declarations to quite a number of PRH
            和諧安居」為主題,是希望展示房委會在抗疫防疫及                            estates during which, the HA staff took the initiative to
            為公共租住房屋(公屋)居民提供衞生安全的居住                             take up the overall coordination and implementation work
            環境所作的努力。                                           for testing and quarantine operations at designated PRH
                                                               blocks.  Apart from providing various relief  measures
            受2019冠狀病毒病疫情影響,香港以至全球各地在                           to tenants of PRH estates and non-domestic properties,
            2020/21年度都變得不一樣,對房委會的工作來說更                         subsidised sale flats (SSF) buyers and individual families
            是不平凡(特別)的一年。在2020年2月至9月將新落                         with financial hardship, the HA has been supporting the
            成的公共屋邨 ─ 火炭駿洋邨作臨時檢疫中心之用,                           Government’s community-wide anti-epidemic measures
            這是前所未有的。過去一年多,政府對多個公共                              such as contact tracing and drainage inspection. We have
            屋邨作出強制檢測公告和限制與檢測宣告,房委會                             therefore  included  in  this  Annual  Report  a  dedicated
            人員主動積極在指定的屋邨住宅大廈全面協調和執                             chapter on these special measures and the hard work of
            行相關的檢測及檢疫行動。此外,房委會推出多項                             our front-line staff.
            出售單位買家及個別有財政困難的家庭,亦支援政                             Amidst the special anti-epidemic measures imposed on
            府在社區推行的抗疫措施,例如追蹤緊密接觸者、                             the  construction  sector,  we  managed  to  overcome  all
            檢查排水管等。為此,今年年報特別增加一個專                              difficulties  and completed  11 public housing projects
            章,詳述這些措施和前線人員的努力。                                  delivering more than 11 000 new flats during this period.

            這段期間,儘管建築業界須遵照規定實施多項特                              As Chairman of the HA, I would like to extend my personal
            別抗疫措施,我們迎難而上,完成11個公營房屋項                            thanks to all members of the HA and its committees/
            目,涉及超過11 000個新單位。                                  sub-committees for their unfailing support for the various
                                                               anti-epidemic measures in the past year whilst pressing
            作為房委會主席,我感謝房委會和轄下小組委員會/                            ahead with our ongoing work. Notwithstanding the social
            附屬小組委員會的所有委員在過去一年盡心竭力推                             distancing measures and work-from-home arrangements,
            展房委會的工作,亦全力支持各項防疫抗疫措施。                             the HA and its committees/sub-committees have
            縱使實施了保持社交距離措施和在家工作安排,                              managed  to continue  with almost all  regular  meetings
            房委會和轄下小組委員會/附屬小組委員會的定期                             as scheduled and dealt with major policy and financial
            會議,大部分仍能如期舉行,處理重要政策和財務                             matters,  including award  of construction  and  property
            事宜,並批出多份建築合約和物業管理服務合約。                             management services contracts.
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