Page 13 - 香港房屋委員會年報 Hong Kong Housing Authority Annual Report
P. 13

                                                                                           Chairman’s Message   11

            我亦代表房委會衷心感謝全體員工在這段艱難時期                             On behalf of the HA, I would also like to express
            全力以赴、盡忠職守。在採取多項抗疫防疫措施                              my heartfelt thanks to all staff for their dedication,
            的同時,例如加強公共屋邨、商場和街市的清潔及                             perseverance and hard work in such arduous times. Whilst
            消毒工作,他們繼續緊守崗位,確保維修保養工作                             undertaking  various  special  measures to  fight the  virus
            如常進行,公屋和資助出售單位的申請獲得迅速                              such as strengthening cleansing and disinfection work at
            處理。他們對公屋居民以至社會大眾的用心服務,                             our PRH estates as well as shopping malls and markets,
            實在值得自豪。                                            our staff continued with their daily work diligently, ensuring
                                                               that the maintenance and repair works were duly carried
            一如去年的安排,年報詳述房委會在提供各類公營                             out, and applications for PRH and SSF flats were efficiently
            房屋方面的主要工作和成果,並重點講述如何設法                             handled.  They should take pride in what they have
            改善居民的生活質素,解決不同居民在生活上的                              contributed to help our tenants and the community at large.
            諧安居」目標。舉例來說,我們將「緊急警報系統                             As in  the  past  year, this  Annual  Report  provides  a
            津貼」的範圍擴寬,讓長者可選擇新科技的產品及                             detailed  account  of the major tasks and achievements
            裝置;另外亦特別製作了一輯家居運動短片,教導                             of the HA in providing public housing, with the focus
            長者在家中進行一些簡單的舒展運動。對於一些                              on how we seek to improve the quality of life for our
            居住空間較大的長者住戶,為鼓勵他們遷往較小                              tenants and to address the special needs in the daily
            的單位,我們提供優惠讓他們在搬遷後可享全免                              lives  of various residents,  particularly  the  elderly, to
            租金。當然我們也不會忽略殘疾住戶的需要,我們                             achieve our goal of “Live in Harmony”. For instance, we
            為聽障住戶免費安裝「火警視像警報系統」,讓他們                            extended the Emergency Alarm System Grant to allow
            的家居安全得到更佳保障。                                       the elderly to use the system on products and devices
                                                               with new technology, and produced a special series of
            2020年確實是困難重重、充滿挑戰的一年,但我們                           exercise videos for elderly tenants to do simple exercise
            靈活應變,絕不墨守成規。憑着房委會同事的豐富                             at home. Some elderly residents living in spacious flats
            經驗,加上扎實有效的管治架構,我們得以克服                              were given an incentive to downsize, in the form of a full
            難關。展望來年,我們會一如既往,再接再厲,                              rent exemption upon moving. Residents with disabilities
            為有需要的市民打造「和諧安居」的家園。                                were not forgotten either. We have introduced a free of
                                                               charge visual alarm system for the hearing-impaired to
                                                               offer them a safer living environment.

                                                               2020 is indeed a most difficult and challenging  year
                                                               where nothing is easy or straightforward. Together, we
            主席                                                 have overcome the challenges with the rich experience
            陳帆                                                 of  HA  staff  and  a  robust  governance  structure,  which
                                                               have enabled us to navigate rough waters with resilience.
                                                               I have full confidence in our ability to further our mission
                                                               in the coming year to create  homes for those in need
                                                               where all can “Live in Harmony”.

                                                               Chan Fan, Frank
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