Ficus religiosa
Ficus religiosa L.
The species is an exotic species originate from India, Nepal, and Pakistan. The species epithet in its scientific name “religiosa” means religious, referring to Buddhism.
The tree was transplanted from Wong Sheng House to its current location in 2017.
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About Mock Bodh Tree...
Ficus rumphii, also known as the "heart-leaf banyan" or Mock Bodh Tree in recent years, is a tall deciduous tree native India and Indonesia. The Mock Bodh Tree does not require high soil quality and can grow on a variety of different soils. The distinctive tree shape and leaf shape of the Mock Bodh Tree are similar to Bodh Tree that contains the symbolic meaning of Buddhism, you would not be surprised when you see one in Buddhist temple.
The easiest way to differentiate is to observe the dripping tips of the leaves. The leaf apex of Bodh Tree is much longer unlike the Mock Bodh Tree which is relatively short.