The HA values comments and feedbacks from stakeholders. We have identified a list of key stakeholders according to their relationship with and dependence on our operations, and have engaged them via different engagement channels and initiatives.
Engagement Channels and Initiatives
Engagement Channels and Initiatives
Engagement Channels and Initiatives
Engagement Channels and Initiatives
Engagement Channels and Initiatives
Engagement Channels and Initiatives
Engagement Channels and Initiatives
Engagement Channels and Initiatives
To deepen our understanding on concerns of our people, partners, regulators, and the community, we conduct regular stakeholder engagement exercises. Our senior management reviews and responds to stakeholders’ comments and feedback in internal management meetings.
Considering comments from our stakeholders, below is the list of material aspects and the reporting boundaries for this Report.
* The performance of HA’s contractors in the areas of “Energy”, “Effluents & Waste” and “Occupational Health and Safety” have also been covered in this Report.