Themed under “Live Green Together in Harmony”, the HA’s fifteenth Sustainability Report showcases its sustainability initiatives and performance on environmental, social and economic facets in the year of 2019/2020, as well as its governance structures and management approaches. It also summarises the HA’s performance in the past year and future plans on providing local public housing programmes in a sustainable manner for Hong Kong.
This Report highlights the annual achievements and progress of the HA’s sustainability performance from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 (unless otherwise mentioned in the Report). It refers to the HA’s sustainability objectives and targets in terms of the planning and construction of new housing developments, the management and maintenance of the existing public rental housing estates, and the operation of our own office.
During the reporting period, there was no significant change in the size, structure, scope of work and ownership of the HA.
Readers are encouraged to read this Report in conjunction with the relevant parts of the HA’s Annual Report 2019/20. Where appropriate, content will be referenced to the Annual Report.
This Report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. The GRI Content Index illustrates how all the sections in this Report are linked to the relevant GRI indicators.
We welcome stakeholders’ comments on our operations, activities, sustainability performance and reporting process. Feedback Form is open to collect readers’ opinion and comments for our continuous improvement.
To assure the completeness, accuracy, reliability and creditability of our Report, we have engaged an independent party to verify the claims and data quoted in the Report. The verifier’s opinions and views on the Report is presented in the Verification Statement.