Reducing electricity consumption in our office has been a prolonged objective in the HA. To demonstrate our commitment in energy saving, we have introduced an electricity saving target and established several initiatives, including motion sensors for lighting, optimising the chiller system control, changing the operating hours of lifts, escalates and air-conditioning equipment, etc.
Saved 12.8% in 2019/20
Far exceeding our target of 5% against baseyear 2013/14
For 11 consecutive years, we have continued to conduct carbon audit in selected HA office premises. During the audit, three selected HA premises were reviewed, and carbon mitigation opportunities were identified.
Waste paper contributed to a significant amount of waste generated in our office. To reduce paper consumption at source, we have introduced various IT-enabled solutions and widely adopted e-reports and e-operations. Satisfactory results has been accomplished during the year.
Reduced by 13.6% in 2019/20
Far exceeding our target of 3% against base year 2013/14
Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) application in procurement procedures
Housing Electronic Plan Submission System (HePlan) & Housing Electronic Building Records Online System (HeBROS) for e- submissions and handling of documents
HePlan for e-transfer of submissions to the Independent Checking Unit
For other types of waste, which might be hazardous like mercury-containing lamps, we have arranged to collect for special waste treatment.
In addition to providing water saving tips to our staff to raise staff’s awareness, we have implemented a number of measures to monitor our water consumption, including regular inspection to minimise pipe bursting and leakage, installation of water flow controller and shower tap in toilets and pantries. These actions have helped us in meeting our water reduction target.
Lowered by 14.6% in 2019/20 Far exceeding our target of 3% against base year 2015/16
To showcase our effort in promoting green culture, we published the HA Environmental Corporate Video which highlighted our environmental programmes and activities via HA/HD website, social media channels and e-Learning Portal. It is also shown at the induction course for all new staff.
To instil the green culture into our daily operations, we have organised a range of activities to enhance staff’s awareness of environmental protection. In June 2019 and January 2020, two Environmental Collection and Recycling Campaigns were organised in HAHQ and two other offices. In addition, green panels were also displayed in HAHQ from June to August 2019 to celebrate the World Environment Day.
Meanwhile, we also encourage our staff members to participate in external environmental sustainability activities, forums, workshops and conferences such as the Community Chest’s Green Day held in June 2019.
Environmental Collection and Recycling Campaign at the HAHQ
Environmental Collection and Recycling Campaign at Lung Cheung Office Block
Environmental Collection and Recycling Campaign at Lok Fu Customer Centre
To align with the practice of all government bureaux and departments, we have appointed staffs as Green Manager and Green Executives in the HA to oversee green housekeeping measures in the office, involving waste minimisation and recovery, as well as energy conservation, etc.