Hong Kong Housing Authority and Housing Department

Housing Authority Member

Housing Authority Member
Photo: Mr LAU Chun-kong, JP

Mr LAU Chun-kong, JP

Mr LAU Chun-kong is the Managing Director of Colliers Hong Kong and Managing Director of Asia Valuation and Advisory Services, responsible for promoting the growth of Colliers’ business in Hong Kong and heading the Asia Valuation and Advisory Services business. He is a chartered valuation surveyor, and a Past President and Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. He has a wide breath of experience in property valuation, real estate consultancy and investment sales market.

Mr Lau is a member of the Hong Kong Housing Authority and its Tender Committee, the Lantau Development Advisory Committee and the Expert Advisory Panel for Study on the Artificial Islands in the Central Waters. He also serves as an advisor to the Our Hong Kong Foundation and a member of the Tangible Assets Standards Board of the International Valuation Standards Council.
