Hong Kong Housing Authority and Housing Department

Income and Asset Limits

Income and Asset Limits
Income and Asset Limits

Income and Net Asset Limits (Effective from 1 April 2024)

Family Size Income Limit
(per month) (1)
 Net Asset Limit (2)
1-person $12,940 $286,000
2-person $19,730 $387,000
3-person $24,740 $505,000
4-person $30,950 $590,000
5-person $37,740 $655,000
6-person $44,620 $709,000
7-person $48,970 $757,000
8-person $54,770 $792,000
9-person $60,430 $877,000
10-person or above $65,950 $945,000

Income and Net Asset Limits for Non-Related Elderly Households (Effective from 1 April 2024)

Household Size Income Limit
(per month) (1)
Net Asset Limit
2-person $23,680 $774,000
3-person $29,690 $1,010,000
4-person $37,140 $1,180,000
5-person $45,290 $1,310,000
6-person $53,540 $1,418,000
7-person $58,760 $1,514,000
8-person $65,720 $1,584,000
9-person $72,520 $1,754,000
10-person or above $79,140 $1,890,000
Remarks: (1) The amount of statutory contribution to the Mandatory Provident Fund or Provident Fund Scheme can be deducted when making income declaration.
  (2) If all member(s) of a family is/are elderly person(s) of age 60 or above, the net asset limit for the family will double the amount as shown in the above table
(i.e. the net asset limits for elderly families with 1-person to 10-person or above are $572,000, $774,000, $1,010,000, $1,180,000, $1,310,000, $1,418,000, $1,514,000, $1,584,000, $1,754,000 and $1,890,000).

