Hong Kong Housing Authority and Housing Department

Housing Authority Member

Housing Authority Member
Photo: Miss Charmaine LEE Pui-sze, JP (Vice-Chairman)

Miss Charmaine LEE Pui-sze, JP (Vice-Chairman)
(Director of Housing)

Miss Charmaine LEE Pui-sze joined the Administrative Service in August 1993 and rose to the rank of Administrative Officer Staff Grade A in April 2023. She has served in various bureaux and departments, including the former Chief Secretary’s Office, the former Home Affairs Branch, the Chief Executive’s Office, the former Trade Department, the Trade and Industry Department, the former Education and Manpower Bureau (later renamed as the Education Bureau) and the Civil Service Bureau. She was Deputy Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs from August 2011 to January 2019; Deputy Head, Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (later renamed as Deputy Head, Policy Address Team, Chief Secretary for Administration’s Office) from January 2019 to July 2022; and Director of Social Welfare from August 2022 to February 2025. Miss Lee assumed the post of Permanent Secretary for Housing/Director of Housing on 4 February 2025.
