Hong Kong Housing Authority and Housing Department

Available HOS Courts

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Available HOS Courts on 11 June 2018

New Territories and Islands - Islands

This table is for reference only.

Note 1:
The date of intake may be different for individual flats in the same HOS court. The last day of the alienation restriction period may also be different for individual flats in the same HOS court. It should be calculated from the date of the first assignment. For HOS flats, the date of the first assignment refers to the date of the first assignment of a particular flat from the HA to a purchaser and, in the case of PSPS flats, from the developer to the purchaser nominated by the HA or from the HA to a purchaser.
Note 2:
The discount rates of individual courts are the approximate range of discount at the main sale phase (not applicable to resale flats) and are for reference only. The discount rates may vary for different flats. There may be a significant difference in the discount rates between resale flats and the flats sold at the main sale phase in the same block or same court. The discount rate is calculated with reference to the Initial Market Value and the Purchase Price stated on the Deed of First Assignment / Deed of Last Assignment (applicable to resale flats only) and according to the following formula:
Discount Rate: [(Initial Market Value - Purchase Price) / Initial Market Value] * 100%