Temporary Bazaar Activities
Holding Temporary Bazaar Activities in Public Rental Housing (PRH) Estates
Gist points to note on application for holding temporary bazaar activities in PRH estates -
In general, public rental housing estates under the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) are densely populated. Open spaces on the ground level are often public passages, sitting-out areas or common spaces for residents’ use. Regarding the proposals for using these common spaces for holding bazaars, if some facilities within the estates concerned involve owners other than HA, consent to the proposals from those owners will be required. In addition, if the relevant land lots are subject to land leases and deeds of mutual covenant (DMC), which set out restrictions on floor area and land use, approval of the Lands Department (LandsD) may be required for the implementation of the bazaar proposals, depending on the individual land lease conditions. Regardless of whether other owners are involved in the estates concerned, HA has to fully consider the views of the residents and other stakeholders, as well as the impact of such proposals on the relevant estates.
Venue Restrictions
HA shall take into consideration various factors including whether the proposal will obstruct public and emergency accesses, compromise environmental hygiene, cause nuisances to residents and draw in illegal hawking activities, as well as whether the necessary facilities are available, such as power supply and drainage provision. If proponents are granted approval for hiring the venue, they shall be responsible for the operation of the bazaar and the management of the venue, and shall obtain from the relevant government departments the licences, permits or approvals required. The proponent shall comply with the detailed conditions set out in the venue application form and the approval letter for the use of the venue and pay the relevant fees.
Application and Hiring Procedures
Please submit the Application Form for Holding Temporary Bazaar Activities and the bazaar proposal to the subject Estate Office of HA. The Housing Department (HD) will assist the proponent to conduct departmental consultation and forward the proposal to the relevant District Office for local consultation. If land leases, DMC and other owners are involved, HD will also assist the proponent to consult the owners concerned and LandsD. In respect of bazaar activities, if the proponent is a charitable organisation, and if the nature of the bazaar activities is non- profit-making, HA will determine the venue fees on a concessionary basis instead of the market level.
Any body or organisation is eligible to apply.
Enquiry and Contact
Please click here for the contact numbers and addresses of the Estate Offices.
Download the application form
For details of application procedures involved in organising bazaars, please refer to the “Resource Handbook for Bazaar Application” available in the Environment and Ecology Bureau website.