Hong Kong Housing Authority and Housing Department

General Sales Information (GSH)

General Sales Information (GSH)

Sale of Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme flats 2023 (GSH2023)

  • A total of 2,359 new GSH flats are put up for sale.
  • Open for application by Green Form (GF) applicants only.
  • The application fee is HK$270.


Flat Allocation and Priority for Flat Selection

The HA sets a quota of 700 GSH flats for family applicants applying under the “Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members” and also sets a quota of 200 GSH flats for one-person applicants.  These quotas set only apply to GSH flats.  When the quota of flats for a relevant application category is exhausted, the HA will invite applicants under the next application category for flat selection.

Once the quota set for the “Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members” category (i.e. 700 GSH flats) is exhausted, applicants under "Other Family Applicants" category will be invited for flat selection.  If families applying under the “Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members” category fail to obtain a quota, they would still have the opportunity to purchase under the “Other Family Applicants” category.  If the quota has not been fully consumed after all family applicants applying under the “Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members” category have been invited for flat selection, any unused quota will be carried forward to the “Other Family Applicants” category.  If a family applicant under the “Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members” category has successfully selected a GSH flat and signed the ASP of a GSH flat, the relevant quota will be treated as consumed.  Any GSH flat quota released due to later rescission of the ASP of a GSH flat from this application category will not be allocated back to another applicant under the “Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members” category.

When there are only 200 GSH flats remaining for selection (i.e. 200 GSH flats reserved for one-person applicants) or when the list of“Other Family Applicants” category is exhausted (whichever is earlier), one-person applicants will be invited for flat selection and they are allowed to buy any remaining flats, irrespective of flat size.  In case there are remaining GSH flats after the list of one-person applicants is exhausted, all the remaining flats will be allocated back to the family applicants who have not been invited for flat selection under the “Other Family Applicants” category.  If a one-person applicant has successfully selected a GSH flat and signed the ASP for a GSH flat, the relevant reserved flat will be treated as taken up.  Any GSH flat(s) quota released due to later rescission of the ASP of a GSH flat from this application category will not be allocated back to one-person applicant category.  The rescinded flat will be allocated back to applicants under “Other Family Applicants” category for selection according to their priority order.

Upon completion of the relevant procedures for cancellation of the ASP of a GSH flat /recovered TPS flat by the HA, the rescinded flat will be released for selection by applicants on the next flat selection day according to the order of flat selection priority.

The flat selection order of different categories of applicants is as follows: 

  1. Family applicants who are affected by HA’s announced clearance programme(s) and where the target clearance date(s) is/are after the launch date (application commencement date) of GSH 2023;
  2. Family applicants applying under the "Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members";
  3. Other family applicants;
  4. One-person applicants who are affected by HA’s announced clearance programme(s) and where the target clearance date(s) is/are after the launch date (application commencement date) of GSH 2023;
  5. Other one-person applicants;

All family applicants and one-person applicants will be allocated an ordinary order of priority for flat selection randomly generated by computer according to the ballot result.  Family applicants who join the “Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members” will be allocated an additional order of priority for flat selection randomly generated by computer according to the ballot result, i.e. a total of two orders of priority will be allocated to them.

The HA will invite eligible applicants of different categories for flat selection according to the order of priority as stated in above. Family or one-person applicants who are affected by the HA’s announced clearance programme are allowed to select flats before family or one-person applicants of other categories respectively.

If family applicants who join the “Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members” fail to purchase a flat under the quota of that application category, the HA will invite them for flat selection again when their order of priority under the “Other Family” turns up, provided that flats are available for selection under that category.

Since Flat Selection Notification is sent out before the flat selection date, the HA and the HD do not guarantee that flats will be available for selection by the time the applicants show up at the appointed time.  If the allocated quotas/flats for their application category have been exhausted/ sold out, the flat selection appointment arranged for them will be withheld.  The application fee paid will not be refunded and cannot be transferred.  Please pay attention to the latest sale status.

Flat allocation and priority for flat selection are subject to relevant sales arrangements issued by the HA from time to time.  In case of dispute, the HA’s decision shall be final.


Alienation Restrictions

 The following alienation restrictions are only applicable to the purchasers of a flat at Lai Yuet Court/ Ko Wang Court/ Kam Pak Court:

The flat shall not be assigned by the purchaser to any other person or organisation before executing the Deed of Assignment.  If a purchaser requests for cancelling the ASP where the HA agrees to the same, the HA shall be entitled to retain a sum equivalent to 5% of the purchase price as consideration for his agreeing to cancel the ASP.  Besides, the cancellation of the ASP is subject to the provisions of the ASP including the purchaser being required to pay or reimburse the HA for all legal costs, charges and disbursements (including stamp duty (if any) and registration fee) in connection with or arising from the cancellation of the ASP.

A purchaser who wishes to assign or let the GSH flat after becoming an owner of a flat at Lai Yuet Court or a resale GSH flats at Ko Wang Court and Kam Park Court sold under this sale exercise will be subject to the terms of the Deed of Assignment and the terms, covenants and conditions contained in the Government lease.  The HA will not buy back or nominate a buyer (except HOS Secondary Market) to buy the above flats, and the following alienation restrictions will apply to the owners of the above flats:


Alienation Restrictions

  • Within the first five years from the date of the first Deed of Assignment of the flat from the HA to an owner (the first assignment):
  • The owner has to sell the flat in the HOS Secondary Market to a Green Form Buyer (GF Buyer) nominated by the HA without payment of premium and at a price not more than the original purchase price under the first assignment.
  • From the sixth to the fifteenth year from the date of the first assignment:
  • The owner has to sell the flat in the HOS Secondary Market to a GF buyer nominated by the HA without payment of premium and at his/ her own negotiated price.
  • After fifteen years from the date of the first assignment:
  • The owner may sell the flat in the HOS Secondary Market to a GF buyer nominated by the HA without payment of premium and at his/ her own negotiated price.
  • The owner may also sell or let the flat in the open market after payment of premium.

The following alienation restrictions are only applicable to the purchasers of a resale GSH flat at Kai Chuen Court:

A purchaser who wishes to assign or let the GSH flat after becoming an owner of a flat at Kai Chuen Court sold under this sale exercise will be subject to the terms of the Deed of Assignment and the terms, covenants and conditions contained in the Government lease.  The HA will not buy back or nominate a buyer (except HOS Secondary Market) to buy the above flats, and the following alienation restrictions will apply to the owners of the above flats:

The following alienation restrictions are only applicable to the purchasers of a recovered TPS flat:

A purchaser who wishes to assign or let the recovered TPS flat after becoming an owner under this sale exercise as per the Deed of Assignment will be subject to the terms of the Deed of Assignment and the provisions in the Housing Ordinance (Cap. 283) and its subsequent amendments.  The following alienation restrictions will apply to the owners:

Note 1: The Date of First Assignment refers to the date of the first Deed of Assignment of a particular TPS flat from the HA to a purchaser.
  • Upon receipt of an application of offer to sell to the HA, the HA reserves the right to accept the assignment of the recovered TPS flat to the HA or to decline the offer in accordance with the prevailing policy.  Under the current policy, the HA will not accept any application/ offer to sell a recovered TPS flat back to the HA from an owner after 5-year alienation restrictions period from the Date of First Assignment.