Non-elderly One-person under the Quota and Points System (QPS)
We have established an annual quota for allocation of Public Rental Housing (PRH) to non-elderly one-person applicants under the QPS and put in place a points system. Priority of PRH allocation is determined according to the points scored by the Applicant under the QPS. The higher the points, the earlier the PRH unit will be offered to the Applicant, subject to the fulfilment of all the eligibility criteria for PRH application. Points are currently allotted under the QPS as follows:
- Points are allotted based on the Applicant’s age when his/her application is successfully registered. Under the Points System, 0 point will be given to applicants aged 18 and 9 points will be added for every year of age. Applicants aged 19 will get 9 points. Those at 20 will get 18 points and so forth. Applicants aged 59 will be allotted 369 points as a maximum.
- Applicants reaching the age of 45 will be awarded a one-off bonus of 60 points.
- For applicants currently living in PRH, including HKHS’s rental estate units, 30 points will be deducted.
- One point will be given each month for the Applicant has waited upon registration of his/her application.
For more details, please click the following link:
In light of the recommendations by the Long Term Housing Strategy Steering Committee and the Director of Audit, the Subsidised Housing Committee at 14 October 2014’s meeting decided to refine the Quota and Points System and to implement the refined Quota and Points System with effect from 1 February 2015. For details, please refer to the following press release.