Hong Kong Housing Authority and Housing Department



The Subsidised Housing Committee of the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) endorsed on 26 April 2023 the revised eligibility for purchase of subsidised sale flats (SSF) that public rental housing (PRH) tenants or Rental Estate tenants of the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) applying to purchase SSFs as Green Form (GF) applicants would be subject to the same restrictions on ownership of domestic property in Hong Kong applicable to White Form (WF) applicants.

Under the revised eligibility criteria, PRH tenants and Rental Estate tenants of HKHS who apply to purchase SSF as GF applicants should not have owned domestic properties in Hong Kong during the period from 24 months preceding the closing date for submitting the application up to the time of purchase.  In addition, Fixed-Term licensees of the HA will no longer be eligible for purchasing SSFs as GF applicants.  If the relevant Fixed-Term licensees fulfil the relevant eligibility, they can apply to purchase SSFs as WF applicants.

Definition of Green Form Applicants

Subject to detailed eligibility criteria on age, family composition, property ownership restriction, etc. to be announced by the HA prior to the launch of each sale exercise, the following categories of persons are eligible for Green Form status in buying Home Ownership Scheme flats -

Definition of White Form Applicants

Subject to detailed eligibility criteria on age, family composition, residence rule, income and asset limits, property ownership restriction, etc. to be announced by the HA prior to the launch of each sale exercise, the following groups should be eligible for applying on WF status:

