Moving Out
Surrender the Flat on Time
You must do the following before surrendering your PRH or IH flat:
- Vacate the flat on or before the expiry date of your tenancy / occupation licence or the date as specified in the Notice-to-quit (NTQ)
- Pay all outstanding rent / licence fee
- Return the keys, the tenancy agreement or occupation licence and the e-Payment Card
Reinstate the Flat to its Original Condition
If you have carried out decoration, fixture or alteration works in your flat, you must at your own cost:
- Reinstate the original fixtures and fittings of the Housing Authority (HA)
- Remove additional fixtures and installations
- Clear all unwanted furniture, sundries and refuse
If you fail to do the above, the HA will deduct from your deposit the costs for any necessary cleaning and maintenance services plus relevant administration charges.
Notify Utility Providers and Banks
You must notify the public utility (e.g. gas, power, telephone) companies and the Water Authority to close your accounts and terminate their services to the flat.
If you have been paying your rent / licence fee through auto-pay, you should also inform your bank to cease the concerned auto-pay service.
Extended Stay
If you have acquired another form of subsidised housing, but for some reasons cannot vacate and surrender the PRH / IH flat to the HA within 60 days, you may apply for an extended stay under the following terms:
- The extended stay should not exceed 30 days
- During the occupation period, you have to pay an occupation fee equivalent to triple the normal rent / licence fee plus rates. If you are a market rent / licence fee payer, at the time of termination of tenancy / occupation licence, the occupation fee will be equivalent to the market rent / licence fee or triple the normal rent / licence fee plus rates, whichever is the higher. Occupation fees must be paid in advance.