Rehousing Arrangement
Eligibility for Public Rental Housing
Depending on the availability of resources, the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) would, as far as possible, make use of the suitable rehousing resources in the vicinity of the estates for rehousing the households affected by the estate clearance. The affected households could submit applications to the HA to move to the refurbished flats in PRH estates in other districts. Subject to the availability of suitable resources, HA would make arrangements for those households as far as practicable.
When the rehousing eligibility of the affected households is confirmed, flat allocation will be arranged under the Self-selection Scheme. Tenants are allowed to select flats according to their preference within the reserved housing list distributed to the eligible individual households before they are invited for flat selection. Domestic Removal Allowance will be released to the tenants who have accepted the rehousing offer and such tenants are required to move out of their existing PRH units on a prescribed date.
Self-selection Scheme
Priority lists for flat selection are drawn out in an open ballot. Arrangements of the exercise are listed as follows :
- Families with rehousing eligibility and have not yet accepted any rehousing offer or housing benefit are eligible;
- All eligible households are divided into groups according to their household sizes;
- According to ballot result, flat selection will start from the largest household size group and proceed in descending order;
- Except for the single-person households, flat selection priority within individual family group is determined by ballot and a computer balloting system;
- Flat selection priority of the single-person households is determined by age. Elderly persons will be given higher priorities;
- Families having members with disability and recommendations by Social Welfare Department may be considered to accord higher priority for flat selection;
- For those who failed in selecting a flat in the exercise, rehousing offer determined by computer ballot will be made from the remaining reserved housing resources after the exercise;
- If tenants refuse to accept three rehousing offers without justifiable grounds or refuse to accept rehousing offers three months before the evacuation date (whichever is earlier), their tenancies will be terminated;
- A tenant can lodge an appeal against termination of his/her tenancy to the Appeal Panel (Housing) in writing, not later than 15 days after the date on which the Notice-to-Quit has been issued.