TPS Flat Owners
Refinancing a TPS flat means raising an additional loan either within the alienation restriction period or after the said period but the premium has not been paid. Where there is no existing mortgage, creation of a fresh mortgage of a TPS flat will also amount to refinancing.
Refinancing will only be allowed in cases of financial hardship in which an immediate sum of money is needed to meet personal or family expenses arising out of unforeseen circumstances such as:
TPS flat owners should complete and return the application form, documentary proof supporting the application and the outstanding first mortgage loan of the flat (if any) together with the administrative fee to the relevant District Tenancy Management Office. Flat owners who encounter difficulties in completing the application form can approach the relevant District Tenancy Management Office for assistance.
Besides, the Director of Housing has given “blanket consent” to all participating banks of the Reverse Mortgage Programme (RMP) of The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited (HKMC) and Hong Kong Mortgage Management Limited (HMML) to enter into reverse mortgage with eligible elderly owners of HA’s subsidised sale flats with premium not yet paid who are aged 60 or above. Elderly owners can use their flats with premium not yet paid as security to obtain a reverse mortgage loan from a participating bank or HMML.
Under the arrangement of the “blanket consent”, elderly owners who wish to refinance by joining HKMC’s RMP may directly approach the participating banks or referral banks of the RMP for application. For the details of RMP, please visit HKMC’s website –