Hong Kong Housing Authority and Housing Department

Public Rental Housing Tenants

Public Rental Housing Tenants

Tenancy Matters

  Performance Pledges Performance Target
(From 1.1.2024 onwards)
Actual Achievements
7. We will attend to tenants within 7 minutes when they visit our estate office during office hours. 95% 99.99%
8. We will attend to tenants within 18 minutes when they pay rent at our estate office during rent collection service hours. 95% 99.99%
We will refund domestic rental deposit and overpaid rent to ex-tenants within 2 weeks upon receipt of application if adequate information is provided and no outstanding debt is owed to the Housing Authority.
90% 94.19%
We will notify tenants of the outcome within 2 weeks upon receipt of application for rent assistance if adequate information is provided.
95% 99.95%
We will provide interim replies for applications relating to change of head of household, special transfer, rent reversion and subsidy for the installation of an emergency alarm within 10 days if required documents are provided.
100% 100%
We will provide substantive replies for these applications within 18 days. If we cannot provide a substantive reply within 18 days, we will keep tenants informed of the progress on or before the substantive reply due date and on a monthly basis.
95% 100%
We will attend to complaints about security and cleansing services in the estate within 12 hours of report to the estate office.
95% 99.79%
We will arrive at the scene within two hours upon receipt of any report relating to rodent issue in estates and follow up appropriately according to situation.
95% 98.3%
12. We will notify PRH tenants of the outcome within 2 weeks upon receipt of their applications for Certificate of Eligibility to Purchase of a Home Ownership Scheme (HOS), Tenants Purchase Scheme (TPS) or Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme (GSH) flat under the HOS Secondary Market Scheme, subject to the availability of required information. 90% 99.72%
13. We will notify PRH tenants of the outcome within 60 days upon receipt of their applications for purchase of their flats in Tenants Purchase Scheme (TPS) estate, subject to the availability of required information. 95% 100%

Maintenance Matters

  Performance Pledges Performance Target
(From 1.1.2024 onwards)
Actual Achievements
14. Maintenance personnel will arrive at the scene for report of lift breakdown:
Within 45 minutes where no trapping of passengers is involved;
95% 99.25%
Within 25 minutes if trapping of passengers is involved;
95% 99.21%
Have them rescued within 30 minutes of arrival.
95% 99.21%
15. For sudden interruption of electricity supply:
Estate management personnel will arrive at the scene to attend to the sudden interruption of electricity supply within 15 minutes upon receipt of report to the estate office;
99% 99.91%
Maintenance personnel will arrive within 1 hour for maintenance during office hours;
99% 100%
Maintenance personnel will arrive within 2 hours for maintenance after office hours;
99% 100%
Supply will be resumed within 8 hours after inspection for interruption that affects more than one domestic flat and/or the common areas of the domestic block.
95% 100%
16. For sudden interruption of fresh water supply:
Estate management personnel will arrive at the scene to attend to the sudden interruption of fresh water supply within 15 minutes upon receipt of report to the estate office;
99% 99.49%
Maintenance personnel will arrive within 1 hour for maintenance;
95% 100%
Supply will be resumed within 9 hours after inspection where no repairs to underground water mains are required.
95% 100%
17. For sudden interruption of flush water supply:
Estate management personnel will arrive at the scene to attend to the sudden interruption of flush water supply within 15 minutes upon receipt of report to the estate office;
99% 99.83%
Maintenance personnel will arrive within 2 hours for maintenance;
95% 100%
Supply will be resumed within 20 hours after inspection where no repairs to underground water mains are required.
95% 100%
18. We will arrive at the scene to attend to blockage of drainage in public areas under the HD's care within 15 minutes upon receipt of report to the estate office. 99% 99.85%
19. We will commence repairs within 12 days upon receipt of tenants' request to the estate office for repairs which the HD is responsible. We will inform tenants of the reasons for the delay within 5 days if longer time is needed to commence works.
(The above repair requests exclude those as mentioned in pledges no. 14 to 18)
90% 98.99%

Tree Management Matters

  Performance Pledges Performance Target
(From 1.1.2024 onwards)
Actual Achievements
20. Upon receipt of report of suspected hazard imposed by trees managed by the HD:
We will arrive at the scene within 30 minutes;
95% 96.15%
We will cordon off the hazardous zone within 90 minutes of arrival;
95% 96.25%
We will arrange clearing of fallen branches, if any, within 4 hours of arrival;
90% 93.42%
We will conduct an inspection to the condition of the tree in question within 3 days.
90% 91.79%

